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Top Ramsar sites in the world

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, an international treaty established in 1971.
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best ramsar sites 2024

The Versatile Pongamia Pinnata Tree

From its roots in ancient Ayurvedic medicine to its potential as a sustainable biofuel source, this versatile tree continues to captivate researchers and environmentalists alike.
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pongamia tree - editorial ape

The Different Names of Money In Different Scenarios

Whether referred to as currency, income, assets, or more informal terms, it ultimately serves as a medium of exchange and store of value across situations. The various terms simply highlight money’s different functions for individuals and groups in society.
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Treaty of Sinchula

This pivotal agreement not only formalized diplomatic ties but also set the stage for Bhutan’s unique path to modernization while preserving its cultural identity.
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 The Elevated Status of Cows in India

While cows hold sacred status for many Hindus, their treatment and protection have become contentious issues that intersect with economic realities, environmental concerns, and communal tensions.
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india's complex relation with cows
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